super tiring day today as expected. had headache the whole day. but only became worser when came back. :(

after first two lessons i cant concentrate already. ree lecture i dont even understand a single thing. alamak HOW.

i think i cant take long hours. plus previous day not enough sleep. :X

and my gastric pain is back again now. this always will happen during school days. ><

anyway i saw all your comments in my tagboard. seems like mostly are positive comments. :) thanks for your comments! :) i think i shall remain this as my blogskin le. :))

duno why now suddenly got the "restaurant city trend". hahaha. seems like more and more people are playing liao. ><

i had been playing for these few days. someone kept competing to try to win me HAHAHA. alot are catching up with me liao. i cannot let them overtake! hahaha.

so lame of me to keep chionging this. LOL. XD

my head is very heavy now. headache headache. plus gastric pain. ahhh.

school's starting at 12pm later. going to sleep soon liao.

hello everyone im back. hehe.

i've changed my blogskin le. :) although i dont like it alot alot, im abit sick of the previous one le. and i cant get back the previous one liao. got abit problem. :S

never mind la temporary use this for now. cant find better one le. i like peixian's blogskin actually. haha.

recently like in love with yellow. hehe. ><

anyway the navigations are the words "what i've", "been looking for" and "all this time". haha i cant find them initially.

the first week of year two sem one is over. its quite a tiring week for me even though alot lessons were cancelled. there's no school on wednesday. maybe because i hvnt get used yet.

duno why i found it very hard to concentrate during lessons liao. i think lessons time is my sleeping time wahaha.

till now except for maths, i think all other modules i cmi.

ree, thermodynamics, hmt and fpm. till now i still BLUR. and sp4. worst. think its going to be very very hard. dun think im good at this sem de modules. :(

im getting very slack now. haix. :(((((((((((((((((((

tmr is the crazy long day. its going to be a very tiring day. SIAN.

i need to buck up liao. wake up wake up wake up ... !!!

hmm anyway do you all prefer the previous blogskin or this? tag my tagboard. i need your comments cause probably i may change back. hehe.

my laptop finally break down le. after so much 折磨 from me and so many viruses. finally they attack my com. ><

my dad sent my laptop for repair on tuesday. the person told me the hard disk spoilt and cant retrieve anything back. that means everything is gone. YAY. lol. even though all programs are gone but i finally got to remove all nonsense inside.

my com crashed on monday. so i didnt use my laptop for about four days. i really missed my laptop. *sniff sniff* i will take better care of it now. XD

my pinky become very dirty just for two days. poor pinky. ...

thursday went cwp to eat sakae sushi buffet with suhui. randomly asked me out to eat cos she suddenly crave to eat. the previous day was me. hehe.

we ate quite little. for me was because i didnt have enough sleep. then walked around in cwp. bought some things. then home. :)

friday went bugis with szehuey. ate at pastamania then bugis street to shop. i bought a dress again (omg) and a belt. szehuey bought a skirt and socks. she gave me one yay thanks thanks. :)

then went for facial. not facial actually. for mine is ear candling and eye treatment. szehuey's body massage and eye treatment.

did the ear candling for the first time. quite relaxing. did a mask also while waiting for szehuey. then she went for church.

i went cwp to exchange something coincidentally i saw mag! haha talked to her awhile. just went for facial so i covered my face when talking to her. ><


school's starting LATER. not much feeling like last time. im really not prepared yet. i cant believe holiday is gone. :(

but luckily first week has alot lessons canceled. maybe thats why i feel more relaxed. i have just started to enjoy my holiday only and its ending now... :(

ok la. later starting school at 1pm end at 6pm. lucky not the normal monday. 10 to 8.30. with only one break. MAD.

got to reconfigure school stuff. argh.

alright. nites.

i still cant believe school's starting later. -.-


met up with keatyee and jeremia at causeway point yesterday. we ate at pastamania. only me and jeremia eating. keatyee eye power. haha.

coincidentally jiajun was working that time. wooo we got discounted and free food. ~ X) he joined us for his break. zz he is still as crappy. -.- but quite funny though. haha.

after eating we walked around cwp without destination. just walked blindly. then went outside cwp and bus interchange to chat. then home. ~ :)

... ... ...

random thoughts:

i must be thankful and grateful for what i have.

i need to have a normal lifestyle.

i have to change my bad temper. (so hard. :S)

i am trying hard not to mind others' words, but i can't. :(

that stupid junior you get it from me!

first person to tell me i become fatter. my maid. :X she's so direct ah. XD all dun believe me. i really become fatter liao neh...! :(

i seriously need to find one day to go exercise liao. cannot delay anymore. maybe later? hopefully will do it. ><

im angry, irritated, pissed, annoyed ... ...


im very tired now to think properly what to write. hmm.

went jb with szehuey yesterday. yea only two of us. XD this is her first time going with a friend. :X

took bus from kranji. short ride and very little people only. the bus to city square also not much people. lucky.

reached there started shopping. hehe we went many many shops to shop.

i bought alot alot things. let me see. i bought two dresses, two t-shirts, two tank tops, a pair of shorts and two pairs of shoes. cant remember what else liao. and some chewing gums. so how much you think i spent? hehe.

we had our lunch cum dinner at secret recipe. had the same dish and shared a chocolate drink with whipped cream. quite nice. :) i forgot to buy the cakes back. :(

after eating we continued our shopping for awhile more. she bought few things also but not as much as me of course. X)

took bus back to custom then walked to woodlands centre. back with a large bag of things. lotttts of things. XD (i spent till no more singapore money left. :( ) broke liao really broke liao. heartbroke when i saw the amount in my account. :(((

after that we went to find keatyee at her house. passed her a sweet we bought at jb. ;) chatted with her about one hour plus. :)

so long never go her house liao. :) enjoyed the time chatting together. :) after that me and szehuey took bus home.

so tired. was sleeping on the ride back. cos i didnt sleep at all the night before. ><

tiring day. but i really enjoyed the day. had fun time shopping. its only the two of us so we can shop anywhere we want and buy whatever we want. so fun! hehe. XD

yea yea szehuey i really had fun time too! great time shopping. :) weeee~~~~ (but dun think there's a next time? :((( )

. . .

went for facial just now. after that i went sumo house to eat alone.

one interesting thing. an aunty joined me to eat with me. haha. she asked me if she can eat together with me. of course i agreed. we both alone so i don't mind. haha.

im quite lucky haha. or else i will be eating alone. i even started chatting with her. haha. she told me she is 73 this year. omg cant see she that age liao. :X

i helped her pay for the food at the cashier. we chatted while eating. she told me she is a catholic and about her life blah blah. haha.

what she said was not so boring and i even considered quite interesting also. interesting to know people's life. haha. but she tend to repeat her words. she cant remember what she said and what i say. she asked for my name more than three times. :X XD

after eating she continued to talk to me outside. although quite interested to listen but she talked abit too long liao. XD

before going she thanked me for being her friend and even gave me two kisses on my cheeks. haha! really nice knowing her. haha. :)

maybe i can try going out alone more often? maybe i may know more friends. haha. yep thats all i want to update for now. :)

ELEVEN more days before school reopen. (thank you sakinah for correcting me. haha.) :( haix so sian. but today passed by nyp abit missed the times in school. lol siao. ><

treasure the last few days~~~ ... :( X)

stop irritating me. freak. its getting on my nerves. ... ...

timetable is out!

super sian. monday till 8.30pm?! oh gosh.

thursday and friday start at 8am. faints. how can i wake up?!

luckily tuesday starts abit later at 12pm and wednesday only have three lessons. weird timetable. ><

ahhhhhh. woot. all the best to me. :(

yea yea got to sleep liao. waking up quite early later. :D hope to have fun. ;)

hello people! here to blog again. :D

school is starting in another two weeks time. oops didnt mean to remind everyone. super sian can! ><

i havent get prepared yet. not prepared to touch books again. :\

starting of holiday that time i still wished to go back to school. i must be crazy. but for now ... how i wished the holidays can extend! two weeks more is seriously not enough!!

ok let me think what i did doing this holiday. ... mostly rot. stayed at home stone infront of laptop. i wasted so long of my holiday!

and i can confirm one thing now. 我是宅女. XD

during this holiday i also went to look back at some "old things". hehe looking back at those things made me laugh but made me emo also after that. but awhile only la hehe.

hehe too much time so bo liao go look back. some things were found out accidentally when cleaning up my room. oh ya i need to clean up my room again liao before school reopens. :D

one more thing i got to change back my sleeping time soon. i say this got more than ten times liao ba. :D

this is one old thing my bro 'dug' out.

cool right. XD this is about ten years ago. my younger bro looked the funniest. XDD


i randomly heard the song in my blog just now. this song was quite a few years ago de. i think that its nice so decided to put it in my blog. :D

went to eat sakae sushi buffet with szehuey jeremia and huiting on wednesday. at orchard atrium.

quite long never eat liao. wanted to eat more but too full.

hehe i lazy to think what to type so put alot photos. :D

jeremia aka TrusT XD

huiting~ she stole my sushi. XD

me omg i put the whole sushi into my mouth.

szehuey~ looks cute huh. :D

huiting asked me if i want the plate of sushi but they innocent kena take. see her face so innocent. XD jeremia's reaction was fast. XP

me and huiting trying to style jeremia's hair. but she thinks that we are destroying her hair. XD (she censored her own face. XDD)

jeremia with that signature smile and pose.

me~ lol. XD



jeremia thinks her mouth this way is cool. hmm...

omg wahaha.

the desserts~~~ nice!

lastly, photos of all of us. :D

jeremia made an animation on these two pics. but too bad the animation doesnt work here.

alot more random photos i didnt put. :D

after the buffet huiting went off and me szehuey and jeremia walked around in orchard.

went far east plaza to shop. szehuey bought three dresses and i bought one too! :D nice time shopping. :)

after that walked awhile more in orchard. went heeren. then back home. :D

to my friend:

stop coming out with your own theories which make no sense to me.

the funny thing is that you thought you are making sense out of it but i am laughing like what.
so please, stop with your nonsense and telling me how GREAT you are.
thank you.
YOU are the one that should grow up.


more photos to upload. :)

the shadows of our hands. :D

the food we had. pacific dory! X)

acting to see the menu. but szehuey so fake. XD

yixin with nerdy specs~~!


me again XD

woohoo cool man~~~

chao shuai. ou xiang!!! XD

chiobu~~ XD szehuey~~!

ruiyi with that super cute expression. LOL! XD

mag made this pic of us all. cool right! XD


class outing. :D

cuiwen and i. :D


me and cute guy KG!!! XDD

weee~~ hehe. :D



me and cuiwen again. ;DD


another class photo! :D

think should be about all i want to upload liao. :D